The graphic image of the congress is directly inspired by the symmetric composition that architect Álvaro Siza created in the design of the library for the Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (see image below). The central perspective generated by an observer in the entrance of the main library room, looking towards the opposite end, creates a complex network of lines converging towards the center, and other skewed lines with their own vanishing points.
The creation of this image was generated from a three-dimensional model of the library. This model was initially created within a BIM (Building Information Model) course tutored by Pedro de Azambuja Varela, where students should model parts of the faculty. This particular model was developed by student Miguel Martins, and then further optimized by the congress design team. A hidden edge drawing was generated from the model and adjusted in a vectors design software, thus arriving to the image you have all come to know during the Symmetry: Art and Science | 12th SIS-Symmetry Congress.