Hojjat Adeli
Ohio State University & Editor in Chief of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, USA
Machine Learning and Structural Health Monitoring
Hojjat Adeli received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1976 at the age of 26. He is currently an Academy Professor at The Ohio State University where he held the Abba G. Lichtenstein Professorship for ten years. He has authored over 600 research and scientific publications in various fields of computer science, engineering, applied mathematics, and medicine, including 16 ground-breaking high-technology books, and holds a United States patent in the area of design optimization. He is the recipient of 55 awards and honors including an Honorary Doctorate.
In 1998 he received the Distinguished Scholar Award, The Ohio State University’s highest research award “in recognition of extraordinary accomplishment in research and scholarship”. In 2005, he was elected Distinguished Member, ASCE: “for wide-ranging, exceptional, and pioneering contributions to computing in civil engineering and extraordinary leadership in advancing the use of computing and information technologies in many engineering disciplines throughout the world.” In 2007 he received the Peter L. and Clara M. Scott Award for Excellence in Engineering Education and Charles E. MacQuigg Outstanding Teaching Award from OSU.
In 2010, he was profiled as an Engineering Legend in the ASCE journal of Leadership and Management in Engineering. He has presented 110 Keynote/Pleary Lectures at conferences held in 44 different countries. He has held Honorary/Distinguished Professorship at six Asian and European Universities, and served as Honorary Chair or member of the organizing/scientific board of nearly 400 conferences held in 64 different countries. He is a corresponding member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, a foreign member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Science, and a Fellow of AAAS, IEEE, AIMBE, and American Neurological Association. He is a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in two categories of Computer Science and Engineering.
Guian Qian
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Application of weakest link concept to fatigue and fracture assessment
Dr. Guian Qian, Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. He obtained his PhD from the institute of mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences with the major of solid mechanics in 2009. Afterwards, he moved to PSI and was a postdoctoral fellow until 2012. From 2013.1 to 2018. 7, he was a scientist in the Laboratory for Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Energy and Safety Department, Paul Scherrer Institute. Thereafter, he moved back to Chinese Academy of Sciences. His current research interest lies in the fatigue and fracture analysis of nuclear components and structures. He made significant contribution to the nuclear safety assessment, especially in the pressurized thermal shock analysis of reactor pressure vessels and leak-before-break analysis of nuclear piping. He has published more than 60 peer reviewed papers, including more than 40 SCI-indexed papers in journals including Acta Materialia, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of Fatigue. He has been invited for several keynote talks in international conferences and symposiums, including the 11th International Workshop on the Integrity of Nuclear Components, 2014 International Symposium on Structural Integrity and Nuclear Materials Symposium in Chinese Materials Conference 2017. He is session organizer in ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping conferences (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018) and the 14th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics. He serves as reviewer for more than 20 international journals and several international funding.
Tomasz Nowakowski
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
From Reliability to Resilience: Advanced Challenges for Technical System Performances
Prof. Tomasz Nowakowski, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland. Dean of Mechanical Engineering Faculty WUST, head of Department of Operation and Maintenance of Logistic, Transportation and Hydraulic Systems. Member of Transport Committee of Polish Academy of Science, chairman of Winter School on Reliability (the 47th edition in January 2019), chef editor of “Logistics and Transport” quarterly.
Scientific and research interests concern problems of reliability, maintainability and safety of machines, then – complex technical systems; currently – resilience and vulnerability of transport and logistics systems. He is also interested in problems of computer aided systems for operation and maintenance management, knowledge based expert systems and information uncertainty analysis and modeling.
Author of over 300 scientific publications in national and international papers and books.
Prof. T. Nowakowski promoted 14 doctors, supervisor in the next 5 doctoral programs.
Milan Veljkovic
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Overview of TUD-Stevin Laboratory fatigue research and recent results
Milan Veljkovic received PhD at Lulea University in Sweden in 1996 and become full professor in Steel Structures at the same university in 2007. In 2015 he moved to Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands to become full professor in Steel and Composite Structures.
In the last 15 years he has participated in 20:ies research projects with a total budget more than 12 mil euros. He has published more than 200 journal and conference papers. Main corners stones of his research are bolted connection, development of a concept for more than one life time of steel and steel/composite structures- development of technical aspects for the implementation of the circularity in construction). Since he has moved to TUD he has focused on prediction methods and behaviour of bridges and offshore structures exposed to fatigue loading. He has serve as reviewer for dozen international journals and research funding in Sweden, Norway, Czech republic, Slovenia, Belgium and for a couple of funding schemes of EU.
In last 10 years he has been involved in executive board of ECCS and in Technical Management Board. He is involved in activity of many technical committees and in the work on the second generation of Eurocodes, in the project team for connections.
He received Sigge Thernwalls Stora Byggpris in 2015 for his contribution for development of education and research at LTU, Sweden.
Shun-Peng Zhu
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Advances in structural fatigue reliability design and assessment under uncertainty
Shun-Peng Zhu, Full Professor in Mechanical Engineering at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), who received his Ph.D degree in Mechanical Engineering from UESTC in 2011. From 2016 to 2018, he was an International Fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy and research associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Maryland, United States from 2010 to 2011. His research which has been published in scholarly journals and edited volumes, over 100 peer-reviewed book chapters, journals and proceeding papers, explores the aspects: Fatigue assessment; Probabilistic Physics of Failure modeling; Structural reliability analysis; Multi-physics damage modeling and life prediction under uncertainty; Multi-scale uncertainty quantification and propagation; Probability-based life prediction/design for engineering components. Dr. Zhu also studies advanced numerical methods for uncertainty quantification in engineering. He received the 2nd prize of the National Defense Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China in 2014, Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2012, and Polimi International Fellowship in 2015, and “Most Cited Chinese Researchers” (Elsevier) in the field of Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality in 2018. He serves as guest editor, editorial board member of several international journals and Springer book series, Organizing Committee Co-Chair of the QR2MSE 2013, Technical Program Committee Member of QR2MSE 2014-2018, ICMR 2015 and ICMFM XIX 2018.