Honorary Chair

Prof. Hojjat Adeli
Ohio State University & Editor in Chief of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, USA

Hojjat Adeli received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1976 at the age of 26. He is currently an Academy Professor at The Ohio State University where he held the Abba G. Lichtenstein Professorship for ten years. He has authored over 600 research and scientific publications in various fields of computer science, engineering, applied mathematics, and medicine, including 16 ground-breaking high-technology books, and holds a United States patent in the area of design optimization. He is the recipient of 55 awards and honors including an Honorary Doctorate.
In 1998 he received the Distinguished Scholar Award, The Ohio State University’s highest research award “in recognition of extraordinary accomplishment in research and scholarship”. In 2005, he was elected Distinguished Member, ASCE: “for wide-ranging, exceptional, and pioneering contributions to computing in civil engineering and extraordinary leadership in advancing the use of computing and information technologies in many engineering disciplines throughout the world.” In 2007 he received the Peter L. and Clara M. Scott Award for Excellence in Engineering Education and Charles E. MacQuigg Outstanding Teaching Award from OSU.
In 2010, he was profiled as an Engineering Legend in the ASCE journal of Leadership and Management in Engineering. He has presented 110 Keynote/Pleary Lectures at conferences held in 44 different countries. He has held Honorary/Distinguished Professorship at six Asian and European Universities, and served as Honorary Chair or member of the organizing/scientific board of nearly 400 conferences held in 64 different countries. He is a corresponding member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, a foreign member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Science, and a Fellow of AAAS, IEEE, AIMBE, and American Neurological Association. He is a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in two categories of Computer Science and Engineering.