To Higher Education Community
Higher Education Institutions should inspire a ‘culture of sustainability’, seeking to act as models, incorporating the pillars of sustainability in all decision-making levels.
In the context of the creation of the Sustainable Campus Network on November 27, 2018 (ECS2018), bringing together members of the most of the national higher education community, will be held the 1st Conference on Sustainable Campus(CCS 2019).
The Local Organization Committee, the Program Committee and the Sustainable Campus Network are pleased to invite you to participate in CCS 2019, that will take place at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto on October 31, 2019.
The CCS 2019 theme is ‘Sustainable Development: Institutions of Higher Education as Change Agents’ and intends to be a moment of reflection and exchange of experiences on initiatives and implementation modalities of the Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education Institutions.
The 2nd Sustainable Campus Meeting will take place on CCS 2019.