Marcela Alves Segundo

Laboratory of Applied Chemistry, Department of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Rua Jorge Viterbo Ferreira, 228, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto. Has a degree in Microbiology and a PhD in Biotechnology, Chemistry branch, by Catholic University of Portugal. She is an integrated researcher at the UCIBIO Research Center – Biomolecular Sciences Unit, REQUIMTE. She leads the research group Separation Sciences and High-throughput Screening, where fast and miniaturized analytical techniques for application in food, environmental and biological samples are developed. She is the author of more than 100 scientific publications indexed in the Science Citation Index and she is the Portuguese delegate in the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences – EuCheMS.
Communication Abstract
Title: Winove project: portable miniaturized assays
Abstract: How can we transfer scientific knowledge from academia, created in research labs, to practical and social-driven applications? The Winove project proposes the connection between these two worlds through an automatic methodology that allows multiparametric analysis in wines using SIA-LOV (Sequential Injection Analysis – Lab-on-valve) technology. Based in the same set-up, different parameters can be evaluated within a portable, flexible and fast analytical platform that fosters in situ analysis. Also, the SIA-LOV technology provides a decrease between 1000 to 2500 times in consumed reagents when compared to classical methods, granting a significant reduction of cost per analysis.