J. Pereira, “Dicotomias no processo criativo: Investigação e experimentação pedagógica da memória gráfica e da produção com a contemporaneidade do design gráfico”, 9.o Encontro de Tipograa, Politécnico de Tomar, Portugal, Nov 2018, p. 33.
J. Pereira, H. Alvelos, A. Chatterjee, “Bridging Design Education and a Portuguese Handicraft Tradition – Pedagogical Experimentation through Design for Doing”, The Future of Education International Conference (9th Ed.), Pixel, Florence, Italy, June 2019, pp. 23-27.
H. Alvelos, “Media, Mediation, Remediation: what do we research amongst common spaces?”, Stix Camp: Community Development through Science and Arts, Plataforma de Ciência Aberta, Castelo Rodrigo, Portugal, June 2019.
H. Alvelos, A. Chatterjee, “A Cidade Troca de Pele: contributos do design para a longevidade do património da azulejaria na cidade do Porto”, The 26th APDR Congress, Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional (APDR), Universidade do Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2019.
H. Alvelos, S. Barreto, A. Chatterjee, E. Penedos Santiago, P. Almeida, A.Gomes, J. Pereira, “Wisdom and Amnesia: media as a key concept for the sustainability of traditional knowledge in design education”, Encontro com a Ciência, Lisbon, July 2019.
J. Pereira, H. Alvelos, A. Chatterjee,”Para uma experiência ativa na aprendizagem do design – estudo de caso sobre o diálogo entre design gráfico e a tradição artesanal Portuguesa da tecelagem de Almalaguês”, CNaPPES 19: 6º Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Portugal, July 2019.
H. Alvelos, S. Barreto, P. Almeida, A. Chatterjee, A. Gomes, “Anti-amnesia: The Viability of Millenary Weaving in a World of Acceleration”, ECAH European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2019, IAFOR International Academic Forum, Brighton, United Kingdom, July 2019.
H. Alvelos, J. Pereira, A. Chatterjee, “Media – Mediation – Remediation: the inscription and purpose of weaving traditions in narratives dominated by digital investment,” NordMedia 2019 — Communication, Creativity & Imagination: Challenging the field, Malmö University, Sweden, Aug 2019.
H. Alvelos, A. Chatterjee, “Anti-Clockwiser: A listening session on ARTECH participants’ early memories of now-obsolete media, and a speculation on their possible roles in contemporaneity”, (May 2019) for presentation in ARTECH 2019 – Digital Media Art Ecosystems, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Braga, Portugal, Oct 2019.
H. Alvelos, S. Barreto, A. Chatterjee, E. Penedos-Santiago, “On the Brink of Dissipation: the reactivation of narrative heritage and material craftsmanship through design research” Proc. of Research & Education in Design: People & Processes & Products & Philosophy, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2020.
A. Chatterjee, H. Alvelos, “Hands versus Fingers: Digital Media as Unexpected Mediator of Traditional Craft and Industry”, Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, Barcelos, Portugal, November 2019, pp. 43-50.
H. Alvelos, S. Barreto, A. Chatterjee, J. Pereira, E. Penedos-Santiago, “A Cultura do Design como mediação para a cultura criativa – Contributos a partir do Projeto Anti-Amnésia”, V Congresso Internacional Sobre Culturas, Covilhã, Portugal, November 2019.
H. Alvelos, S. Barreto, A. Chatterjee, E. Penedos-Santiago, “A investigação em design como ferramenta de legitimação de conhecimento e saber empírico da indústria e do artesanato – contributos a partir do projeto Anti-Amnésia”, 1º Encontro Memória para Todos: História, Património e Comunidade(s), Lisbon, Portugal, November 2019.
J. Pereira, H. Alvelos, S. Barreto, A. Chatterjee, “Letterpress printing’s heritage and empirical knowledge towards graphic design for a restorative action of the media”, 10.º Encontro de Tipografia, Matosinhos, Portugal, November 2019.
N. Martins, H. Alvelos, A. Chatterjee, E. Penedos-Santiago, S. Barreto, “Anti-Amnesia: Developing a collaborative e- learning and digital archive platform towards contributing to the preservation and revitalization of Handicrafts Industries”, the 10th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference – Senses & Sensibility 2019: Lost in (G)Localization, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2019.
J. Pereira, H. Alvelos, A. Chatterjee, S. Barreto, “A herança de indústrias tradicionais e conhecimento empírico para a construção de uma estratégia de mediação pelo design – Contributos do projeto Anti-Amnésia para esta recuperação contextual”, III Encontro Rede Indústria História Património, São João de Madeira, Portugal, January 2020.
J. Pereira, H. Alvelos, A.Chatterjee, S. Barreto, “Anti-Amnesia: Articulating design and media towards letterpress printing’s heritage preservation and value creation”, Proc. of Post-Digital Letterpress Printing, Porto, Portugal, January 2020, pp. 46-47.
A. Chatterjee, J. Pereira, H. Alvelos, “Articulating design-led active pedagogy towards craft heritage preservation in Portugal”, EIMAD – Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design, Virtual Conference, Portugal, May 2020.
H. Alvelos, D. Brandão, A. Chatterjee, “A Soft Museum of Hardware Use: Testimonies From the Early Experience of Digital Devices as Historical, Pedagogical and Narrative Assets”, The 11th Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities, Virtual Conference, Japan, May 2020.
N. Martins, E. Penedos-Santiago, S. Barreto, H. Alvelos, C. Lima, “Interfaces of Knowledge: Digital Media as Mediator of the Contemporary Reactivation of Legacies”, The 11th Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities, Virtual Conference, Japan, May 2020.
J. Pereira, H. Alvelos, A. Chatterjee, “ Active pedagogy in art and design education – case study on the heritage and semantics of the Portuguese graphic tradition of ‘Azulejos’”, The Future of Education International Conference – 10th edition, Virtual Conference, Italy, June 2020.
N. Martins, H. Alvelos, S. Barreto, A. Chatterjee, E. Penedos-Santiago, C. Lima, S. Silva, “Design of a digital platform for the preservation and dissemination of Portuguese handicraft products”, CISTI’2020 – 15ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, Virtual Conference, Spain, June 2020.
J. Pereira, H. Alvelos, A. Chatterjee, “Design education as research path towards the heritage and semantics of the Portuguese graphic tradition of ‘Azulejos’”, Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media, Virtual Conference, UK, June 2020.
N. Martins, H. Alvelos, S. Barreto, A. Chatterjee, E. Penedos-Santiago, C. Lima, M. Quintela “E-learning as a strategic solution for the preservation and revitalization of disappearing industrial cultures in Portugal”, Proc. of 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Virtual Conference, USA, July 2020.
N. Martins, H. Alvelos, A. Chatterjee, I. Calado, M. Quintela, “Multimedia as Mediator of Knowledge between Older Generations and Present-Day Students of Art and Design”, Proc. of The 4th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology, Virtual Conference, Japan, July 2020.
J. Dolbeth, D. Rocha, ” O Brinquedo Tradicional em Alfena, Uma História Ilustrada”, Confia 2020 – 8th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Virtual Conference, Barcelos, Portugal, October 2020.
J. Pereira, H. Alvelos, S. Barreto, A. Chatterjee, “De indústrias tradicionais e conhecimento empírico para um modelo de mediação pelo design – primeiras conclusões do projeto Anti-Amnésia para esta recuperação contextual”, V Conferência de Planeamento Regional e Urbano, Virtual Conference, November 2020.
J. Pereira, H. Alvelos, A. Chatterjee, “Anti-amnesia as a lever for active pedagogy: articulating design and media towards craft and industrial heritage preservation in Portugal”, Teaching-Learning-Research: Design and Environments, Virtual Conference, December 2020.
The project “Anti-Amnésia: Investigação em Design como agente para a regeneração e reinvenção, narrativas e materiais, de culturas e técnicas de manufactura portuguesas em desaparecimento” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029022) is supported by Competitiveness and Internationalisation Operational Programme (POCI), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and through national funds by the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.