Workpackage 1 - Requirements and Specifications
Workpackage 2 - Programming Models and Languages for Self-adaptivity
Workpackage 3 - Techniques for Self-adaptivity, Monitoring and Runtime Management
Workpackage 4 - UC1: Computer Accelerated Drug Discovery System
Workpackage 5 - UC2: Self-Adaptive Navigation System
Workpackage 6 - Dissemination and Exploitation
Workpackage 7 - Project Management
Enables runtime compilation of source code and dynamic loading of a specified C/C++ function. It also provides support for versioning of the compiled functions.
C++ framework to enable dynamic adaptation of applications, in order to face changes in the execution environment or in the application requirements.
Power Manager
Power capper that selects the best performance point for each core in order to maintain a power constraint.
C/C++ source-to-source tool for code instrumentation and transformations controlled by the LARA language.
ANTAREX videos can be found on our YouTube channel.
1. Clava
2. Clava Integration for ANTAREX Tools
The main goal of the ANTAREX project was to provide a breakthrough approach to map, runtime manage and autotune applications for green and heterogeneous HPC systems up to the Exascale level. The key ANTAREX innovations were designed and engineered since the beginning to be scaled-up to the Exascale level. One key innovation of the proposed approach consists of introducing a separation of concerns (where self-adaptivity and energy efficient strategies are specified aside to application functionalities) promoted by the definition of a Domain Specific Language (DSL), inspired by aspect-oriented programming (AOP) concepts for heterogeneous systems. The DSL was introduced for expressing the adaptivity/energy/performance strategies and to enforce at runtime application autotuning and resource and power management. The goal was to support the parallelism, scalability and adaptability of a dynamic workload by exploiting the full system capabilities (including energy management) for emerging large-scale and extreme-scale systems, while reducing the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for companies and public organizations.
This online book describes the main tools and libraries that are part of the ANTAREX tool flow.