Journal Publications

Conference Publications

Organization of Events

  • [{PRACE Training School}] {Data Analytics for System and Facility Energy Management (Supercomputing 2018)}
    {ETHZ}, {11-16 November, 2018}, {Dallas, USA}
  • [{Bird of Feather}] {Data Analytics for System and Facility Energy Management (Supercomputing 2018)}
    {ETHZ}, {11-16 November, 2018}, {Dallas, USA}
  • [{Workshop organization}] {ANDARE: Workshop on AutotuniNg and aDaptivity AppRoaches for Energy efficient HPC Systems}
    {UPORTO+POLIMI+ETHZ}, {4 November, 2018}, {Limassol, Cyprus}
  • [{PRACE On Demand Event/School}] {ANTAREX: Monitoring, Compilation and Autotuning Approach for Energy-Efficient HPC Systems}
    {IT4I+POLIMI+UPORTO}, {22-23 October, 2018}, {Ostrava, Czech Republic}
  • [{Tutorial}] {Clava+LARA: A Source-to-source C/C++ Compiler for Instrumentation and Code Transformations (IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’2018))}
    {UPORTO}, {18-20 July, 2018}, {Porto, Portugal}
  • [{Workshop organization}] {EETHPC - Energy Efficiency Tools for High Performance Computing}
    {Organized jointly with the FET-HPC projects: READEX, ANTAREX, and GEOPM, As part of the ISC High Performance 2018}, {28 June, 2018}, { FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Germany}
  • [{Workshop organization}] {HPCAFE-2018: High-Performance Computing Approaches for Monitoring, Exploring, Optimizing and Autotuning (European HPC Summit Week 2018)}
    {UPORTO (ALLSCALE + READEX + ExCAPE FET-HPC projects)}, {28 May - 01 June, 2018}, {Ljubljana, Slovenia}
  • [{Workshop organization}] {ANDARE: Workshop on AutotuniNg and aDaptivity AppRoaches for Energy efficient HPC Systems}
    {UPORTO+POLIMI+ETHZ}, {9 September, 2017}, {Portland, Oregon, USA}
  • [{Workshop organization}] {HeteroPar: Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (in Euro-Par 2017)}
    {UPORTO}, {28-29 August, 2017}, {Santiago de Compostela, Spain}
  • [{Workshop organization}] {HPCAFE-2017: High-Performance Computing Approaches for Monitoring, Exploring, Optimizing and Autotuning (European HPC Summit Week 2017)}
    {UPORTO (ALLSCALE + READEX FET-HPC projects)}, {19 May, 2017}, {Barcelona, Spain}
  • [{Workshop organization}] {PARMA-DITAM'2017, Workshop colocated with HiPEAC'2017}
    {POLIMI + UPORTO}, {25 January, 2017}, {Stockholm, Sweden}
  • [{Workshop organization}] {International Workshop on Energy-aware high performance Heterogeneous Architectures and Accelerators}
    {ETHZ}, {18-22 July, 2016}, {Innsbruck, Austria}
  • [{Workshop organization}] {1st Workshop about Computational Challenges on Climate Modelling and Weather Prediction (CLIMA’2016), co-located with the 12th International Meeting on High-Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR 2016)}
    {UPORTO}, {1 July, 2016. }, {University of Porto, FEUP, Porto, Portugal}
  • [{Organization Committee}] {12th International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR’2016)}
    {UPORTO}, {28-30 June, 2016}, {University of Porto, FEUP, Porto, Portugal}
  • [{Event organization}] {PRACEdays 2016}
    {IT4I}, {10-12 May, 2016}, {Prague, Czech Republic}
  • [{Thematic Session Organization}] {Programming Models and Tools towards Energy-efficient Exascale Computing Systems}
    {UPORTO (University of Innsbruck + INESC-ID)}, {20 April, 2016}, {Porto, Portugal}
  • [{Event organization}] {HiPEAC Computing System Week (CSW)}
    {UPORTO}, {20 April, 2016}, {Porto, Portugal}
  • [{Tutorial}] {LARA Tutorial: A DSL-based Approach for Cross Layer Programming: Monitoring, Adaptivity and Tuning}
    {UPORTO}, {20-22 April, 2016}, {Porto, Portugal}
  • [{Workshop organization}] {RES4ANT Workshop at DATE2016 Conference}
    {POLIMI}, {18 March, 2016}, {Dresden, Germany}
  • [{Conference organization}] {10th International Conference on High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC’2016)}
    {IT4I}, {18-20 January, 2016}, {Prague, Czech Republic}
  • [{Workshop organization}] {PARMA-DITAM'2016, Workshop colocated with HiPEAC'2016}
    {POLIMI + UPORTO}, {18 January, 2016}, {Stockholm, Sweden}


  • [{Booth}] {Self-Adaptable Navigation for Smart Cities Use-Case Prototype}
    {[Speaker] Jan Martinovic, Kateřina Slaninová, Radim Cmar}
    {Transport Research Arena (TRA 2018)}, {16-19}, {2018}, {Vienna, Austria}
  • [{University Booth}] {Clava + mArgot = C/C++ to C/C++ Compiler and Runtime Autotuning Framework}.
    {[Speaker] Pedro Pinto and Davide Gadioli}
    {Design, Automation and Test in Europe 2018 (DATE’2018)}, {20-21}, {2018}, {Dresden, Germany}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {Empowering OpenPOWER}.
    {[Speaker] Andrea Bartolini, ETHZ}
    {OpenPOWER Summit US 2018}, {19}, {2018}, {Las Vegas, USA}
  • [{Workshop Organization}] {ANDARE'17 - Workshop on AutotuniNg and aDaptivity AppRoaches for Energy efficient HPC Systems}.
    {Chairs: Andrea Bartolini, João M. P. Cardoso and Cristina Silvano}
    {Co-located with the 26th Edition of the International COnference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT)}, {9}, {2017}, {Portland, USA}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {Application autotuning for energy efficient heterogeneous HPC systems}
    {[Speaker] Cristina Silvano, POLIMI}
    {15th International Workshop on Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing}, {18}, {2017}, {Bertinoro, Italy}
  • [{Keynote}] {Application autotuning for energy efficient heterogeneous HPC systems}
    {[Speaker] Cristina Silvano, POLIMI}
    {15th International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms. The workshop was co-located with the 23rd edition of EuroPar'2017, the International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing}, {28}, {2017}, {Santiago de Compostela, Spain}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {Energy-efficient and accelerated servers}
    {[Speaker] Cristina Silvano, POLIMI}
    {The 17th edition of the SAMOS International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architecture, Modeling and Simulation}, {16}, {2017}, {Samos, Greece}
  • [{Invited talk}] {GPS Navigation companies needs and experiences with high performance computing}
    {PARMA-DITAM 2017 Workshop}, {25}, {2017}, {Stockholm, Sweden}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {On the Path towards Exascale Computing in the Czech Republic and in Europe}.
    {[Speaker] Martin Palkovič, IT4I}
    {Exascale II: Roadmaps and Challenges, The 14th HPC Connection Workshop@SC16}, {16}, {2016}, {Salt Lake City, UT, USA}
  • [{Poster}] {DSL and Autotuning Tools for Code Optimization on HPC Inspired by Navigation Use Case}.
    {[Speaker] Kateřina Slaninová, IT4I}
    {SC16: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis}, {13-18}, {2016}, {Salt Lake City, UT, USA}
  • [{Oral Presentation}] {The ANTAREX Approach to Autotuning and Adaptivity for Energy Efficient HPC Systems}.
    {[Speaker] Jorge Barbosa, FEUP}
    {Nesus Fifth Working Group Meeting}, {8}, {2016}, {Ljubljana, Slovenia}
  • [{Invited talk}] {AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems: The ANTAREX Approach}
    {Workshop about Computational Challenges on Climate Modelling and Weather Prediction (CLIMA’2016) }, {1}, {2016}, {Porto, Portugal}
  • [{Oral Presentation}] {The LARA-based Compiler Toolsuite}
    {ACM Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools, and Theory for Embedded Systems (LCTES’2016)}, {13-14}, {2016}, {Santa Barbara, California, USA}
  • [{Seminar}] {Design Space and Application Autotuning for Runtime Adaptivity in Multicore Architectures}
    {Brain Inspired Computing Group, IBM Research, Austin}, {9}, {2016}, {Austin, Texas, USA}
  • [{Seminar}] {Design Space and Application Autotuning for Runtime Adaptivity in Multicore Architectures}
    {The University of Texas at Austin, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Architecture Seminar}, {3}, {2016}, {Austin, Texas, USA}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {The ANTAREX Approach to Autotuning and Adaptivity for Energy Efficient HPC Systems}
    {[Speaker] Cristina Silvano, POLIMI}
    {ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF’2016)}, {16-18}, {2016}, {Como, Italy}
  • [{Keynote}] {Sub-PicoJoule per Operation scalable computing - Why, When, How?}
    {[Speaker] Luca Benini, ETHZ}
    {ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF’2016)}, {16-18}, {2016}, {Como, Italy}
  • [{Poster}] {ANTAREX: AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale}
    {[Speaker] Kateřina Slaninová, IT4I}
    {HPC systems PRACE Scientific & Industrial Conference, PRACEdays 2016}, {2016}, {Prague, Czech Republic}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {ANTAREX: AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale}
    {[Speaker] Martin Palkovic, IT4Innovations}
    {European HPC Summit week: EXDCI (European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative) Workshop}, {2016}, {Prague, Czech Republic}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {ANTAREX: AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems}.
    {Cristina Silvano}
    {Thematic Session: Programming Models and Tools towards Energy-efficient Exascale Computing Systems, in HiPEAC Computing System Week}, {20}, {2016}, {Porto, Portugal}
  • [{Tutorial}] {A DSL-based Approach for Cross Layer Programming: Monitoring, Adaptivity and Tuning}.
    {[Speakers] João M. P. Cardoso, João Bispo, Tiago Carvalho, Pedro Pinto, Luís Reis, Ricardo Nobre, UPORTO}
    {Thematic Session: LARA Tutorial: A DSL-based Approach for Cross Layer Programming: Monitoring, Adaptivity and Tuning, in HiPEAC Computing System Week}, {18}, {2016}, {Porto, Portugal}
  • [{Panel}] {Moore's law is still alive! So why resource awareness?}
    {[Panel Participant] João M. P. Cardoso, UPORTO [Member of the Organization] Cristina Silvano, POLIMI}
    {First Workshop on Resource Awareness and Application Autotuning in Adaptive and Heterogeneous Computing}, {18}, {2016}, {Dresden, Germany}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {A DSL-based Approach for Cross Layer Programming: Monitoring, Adaptivity and Tuning}
    {[Speaker] João M. P. Cardoso}
    {First Workshop on Resource Awareness and Application Autotuning in Adaptive and Heterogeneous Computing}, {18}, {2016}, {Dresden, Germany}
  • [{Oral Presentation}] {AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems: the ANTAREX Approach}
    {[Speaker] Cristina Silvano, POLIMI}
    {DATE2016-EU-Track, EU Special Session: Energy Efficiency drives Design}, {16}, {2016}, {Dresden, Germany}
  • [{Poster}] {Stack Size Estimation on Machine-Independent Intermediate Code for OpenCL Kernels}.
    {[Speaker] Stefano Cherubin, POLIMI}
    {European LLVM Developers' Meeting}, {17-18}, {2016}, {Barcelona, Spain}
  • [{Oral Presentation}] {A Predictive Modeling Framework For Compiler Phase-ordering Problem}
    {[Speaker] Amir Hossein Ashouri, POLIMI}
    {Student Research Competition (SRC), The 14th International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO’2016)}, {}, {2016}, {Barcelona, Spain}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {Trends in Energy and Thermal efficiency of High Performance computing infrastructure}
    {[Speaker] Andrea Bartolini, ETHZ}
    {International Workshop on Dynamic Code Auto-Tuning (DCAT2016), part of International Symposium for Code Generation and Optimization (CGO’2016)}, {12}, {2016}, {Barcelona, Spain}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {Multiscale Energy-Thermal Management for Green Supercomputers}
    {[Speaker] Andrea Bartolini, ETHZ}
    {Dagstuhl Seminar 16052, Dark Silicon: From Embedded to HPC Systems - Dagstuhl Schloss}, {31}, {2016}, {Wadern, Germany}
  • [{Poster}] {ANTAREX: AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems}
    {[Speaker] Cristina Silvano, POLIMI}
    {10th International Conference on High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC’2016)}, {20}, {2016}, {Prague, Czech Republic}
  • [{Keynote}] {Sub-pj per operation scalable computing - the next challenge}
    {[Speaker] Luca Benini, ETHZ}
    {ICT-Energy: Minimizing Energy Consumption of Computing to the Limit, workshop co-located with HiPEAC’2016}, {18}, {2016}, {Prague, Czech Republic}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {Programming tools and algorithms for exascale systems}
    {[Speaker] Martin Palkovic, IT4Innovations}
    {PARMA-DITAM 2016 Workshop, 7th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures, 5th Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms, co-located with HiPEAC’2016}, {18}, {2016}, {Prague, Czech Republic}
  • [{Poster}] {ANTAREX: AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems}
    {[Speaker] Erven Rohou, INRIA}
    {Green ICT Day}, {30}, {2015}, {Rennes, France}
  • [{Birds of a Feather}] {Taking on Exascale Challenges: Key Lessons and International Collaboration Opportunities Delivered by European Cutting-Edge HPC Initiatives}
    {[Speaker] Martin Palkovic, IT4Innovations}
    {International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC’2015)}, {15-20}, {2015}, {Austin, TX, USA}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {ANTAREX: AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems}
    {Green ICT @ IRISA}, {30}, {2015}, {Rennes, France}
  • [{Oral Presentation}] {ANTAREX Project, CINECA SuperComputing Applications and Innovation Department}
    {[Speaker] Nico Sanna, CINECA}
    {SCAI (FET HPC), Future and Emerging Technologies: Giornata Nazionale di Lancio dei Bandi 2016-17 in Horizon 2020}, {29}, {2015}, {Roma, Italy}
  • [{Poster}] {ANTAREX: AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems}.
    {[Speaker] Cristina Silvano}
    {18th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering / 13th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing}, {23}, {2015}, {Porto, Portugal}
    Download poster here.
  • [{Keynote}] {Design Space Exploration and Application Autotuning for Runtime Adaptivity in Multicore Architectures}.
    {Cristina Silvano, POLIMI}
    {18th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering / 13th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing}, {21}, {2015}, {Porto, Portugal}
  • [{Invited Talk}] {Trends in Energy, Power and Thermal Efficiency of HPC systems}
    {[Speaker] Andrea Bartolini, ETHZ}
    {Workshop on Computational Science Infrastructure and Applications for Academic Development in the ICTP}, {}, {2015}, {Trieste, Italy}
  • [{Oral Presentation}] {ANTAREX -- AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems}.
    {Cristina Silvano, POLIMI}
    {ETP4HPC (European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing) - EXDCI (European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative) Workshop}, {29-30}, {2015}, {Rome, Italy}
  • [{Oral Presentation}] {ANTAREX -- AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems}.
    {Cristina Silvano, POLIMI}
    {Thematic Session on: Challenges and Opportunities in Next-Generation HPC Systems for Real-Time Applications, HiPEAC Comptuting System Week}, {21}, {2015}

Public Deliverables

Workpackage 7 - Project Management



Enables runtime compilation of source code and dynamic loading of a specified C/C++ function. It also provides support for versioning of the compiled functions.


A highly scalable framework for performance and energy monitoring of HPC servers.


C++ framework to enable dynamic adaptation of applications, in order to face changes in the execution environment or in the application requirements.

Power Manager

Power capper that selects the best performance point for each core in order to maintain a power constraint.


C/C++ source-to-source tool for code instrumentation and transformations controlled by the LARA language.


Runtime to identify and automatically reduce the power consumption of the computing elements during communication and MPI primitives based on ultra-fine grain capabilities for profiling.

Online Book - ANTAREX: Lessons Learned


The main goal of the ANTAREX project was to provide a breakthrough approach to map, runtime manage and autotune applications for green and heterogeneous HPC systems up to the Exascale level. The key ANTAREX innovations were designed and engineered since the beginning to be scaled-up to the Exascale level. One key innovation of the proposed approach consists of introducing a separation of concerns (where self-adaptivity and energy efficient strategies are specified aside to application functionalities) promoted by the definition of a Domain Specific Language (DSL), inspired by aspect-oriented programming (AOP) concepts for heterogeneous systems. The DSL was introduced for expressing the adaptivity/energy/performance strategies and to enforce at runtime application autotuning and resource and power management. The goal was to support the parallelism, scalability and adaptability of a dynamic workload by exploiting the full system capabilities (including energy management) for emerging large-scale and extreme-scale systems, while reducing the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for companies and public organizations.

This online book describes the main tools and libraries that are part of the ANTAREX tool flow.

Table of Contents