AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems


The Exascale Problem

To reach Exascale computing (1018 FLOPs), current supercomputers must achieve an energy efficiency “quantum leap” that allows this level of computation to be done at around 20 Megawatts. This will only be possible if we can target all layers of the system, from the software stack to the cooling system.

What is ANTAREX?

ANTAREX proposes a holistic approach capable of controlling all the decision layers in order to implement a self-adaptive application optimized for energy efficiency.

How to Get There?

  • Introduce a new DSL for expressing adaptivity and autotuning strategies
  • Enable performance and energy control capabilities using software knobs
  • Design control-loops capable of operating each application at the maximum energy-efficient and thermally-safe point

Project Information

  • Start Date: 1st of September, 2015
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Project Reference: 671623
  • Topic: FETHPC-1-2014 - HPC Core Technologies, Programming Environments and Algorithms for Extreme Parallelism and Extreme Data Applications
  • Call: H2020-FETHPC-2014
  • Funding Scheme: RIA - Research and Innovation action
  • Funded Under: H2020-EU.1.2.2.
  • EU Contribution: € 3 115 251


Contact Us

For any question regarding the ANTAREX project, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Project Coordinator

Cristina Silvano
Politecnico di Milano,

[email protected]

Project Technical Manager

João M. P. Cardoso
Universidade do Porto,

[email protected]

Project Innovation Manager

Jan Martinovic
IT4Innovations Supercomputing Center,
Czech Republic

[email protected]