General registration questions

The competition is open to all doctoral students enrolled in the 2nd year or later of a U.Porto doctoral programme. Doctoral students must not have graduated before the date of the final competition.

Students enrolled in the 1st cycle (Bachelor degrees) and 2nd cycle (Master degrees) of studies are not eligible.

If you want to participate in the U.Porto 3MT®, you must register from 1 December 2023 by accessing the registration form link available on the competition website

Application form

Check your institutional email regularly, as from 8 January 2024 you will receive your login details to submit your video of up to 3 minutes on Moodle (using Panopto®).

To complete your application, as well as completing the registration form, you will also need to submit the video presenting your research.

Please see the questions below.

The presentation should focus on the research you are currently working on for your PhD, not something you have worked on in the past. In addition, the work presented should reflect your own original research for your thesis, not research carried out at the request of a faculty member or a research project in which you are involved.

No. The eligibility criteria are those defined in the questions below, i.e. to be a doctoral student enrolled in the 2nd or subsequent years of a doctoral programme at U.Porto and to submit a video of up to 3 minutes with the characteristics indicated.

Visit the competition website for detailed information about the initiative, the calendar and to download the available Handbook.

You can participate in U.Porto 3MT® again, as long as the content of your presentation is new.

There is no set dress code. However, we recommend wearing whatever is most comfortable for you, bearing in mind that the important thing is to get your message across to the Evaluation Committee members and the jury without distracting elements.

Video questions

– It must be no longer than 3 minutes (videos longer than 3 minutes will be disqualified). Please note that the time is counted from the beginning of the presentation to the end;

– The time is counted from the moment the candidate starts the presentation to the moment he/she finishes;

– The presentation must be in English;

– The presentation must be spoken (no poems, raps, or songs);

– Only one static slide is allowed (no transitions, animation, or movement of any kind). Note: The slide is optional.

– The video must be shot from a single angle and from a static position. Zooming in or out from the static position is acceptable;

– The audio of the video submitted must be continuous, without cuts, edits, stops, etc;

– The use of other aids such as laser pointers, costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment, and animated backgrounds is not permitted;

– Electronic devices are not allowed during the recording of the video (for sound or video output);

– Acceptable video formats are: mp4, wmv, avi.


U.Porto 3MT® includes the participation in the Science Communication Training and the participation in the Final Competition in person. As for the Science Communication Training, it is recommended but not compulsory. As for the personal participation in the Final competition, it consists of a 3-minute presentation and corresponds to the moment when the finalists compete against each other.  If you are unable to attend on the day of the Final, you will be disqualified from the competition.

The finalist will be disqualified.

Yes, there are two cash prizes: one for the winner and one for the runner-up.

As of 2024, the winners of the U.Porto 3MT® editions will also be able to participate in the international final of the 3MT® EUGLOH competition, representing the University of Porto among the Alliance Universities.

Visit the competition website for detailed information on U.Porto 3MT®, the calendar and to download the available Handbook.


By participating in the U.Porto 3MT® competition, even as a spectator, you may appear in photographs or audiovisual recordings captured during the event or the Final Competition. These recordings are part of the coverage by the Communication and Image Service of the U.Porto Rectory. If you register for the competition, additional data collected through the registration form will also be processed, as detailed at the time of submission.

Photographs and audiovisual recordings during the U.Porto 3MT® competition are intended for creating documentary and promotional materials for the initiative. Such materials are to be used across U.Porto’s communication channels. This practice is based on the organisation’s legitimate interest in documenting and promoting the event. Additionally, the photo album will be shared with all finalists via a restricted-access channel, considering previous participants have expressed such interest.

Yes. Participants in U.Porto 3MT® have the right to object to the capture, processing, and dissemination of their image. They can express their objection in writing to the U.Porto 3MT® team, clearly stating their desire to prohibit the use of their image and/or sound. The organisation will review the request and ensure compliance.

U.Porto implements appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect participants’ personal data, including images and recordings captured during the initiative. The data is used solely for the defined purposes and is securely stored in compliance with applicable legal provisions.

The audiovisual data collected during the competition will be retained only for the duration necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, unless the participant requests its deletion in accordance with current legal provisions.

Any questions related to the processing of personal data in U.Porto 3MT® or the exercise of data subjects’ rights (access, rectification, deletion, objection, or others) can be addressed to the competition organisers at [email protected] or to the U.Porto Data Protection Officer at [email protected].


Research and Projects Office
University of Porto

[email protected]
(+351) 220 408 597
Rectory of the University of Porto
Praça Gomes Teixeira s/n 4099-002 Porto